No Spray Lists
Please help protect our precious pollinators!
Pesticides are toxic to bees, birds, fish, humans, and animals.
Here’s how to get on the “No Spray” list for:
Jackson County Roads
JCR sprays glyphosate as well as other herbicides along county roads.
Call 541-774-8184 or access the required forms here:
1. JaCo Roads Owner Maintained-No Spray Agreement Form
2. JaCo Roads No Spray Agreement Rules & Information
Visit the website here.
Josephine County Roads
JCR sprays glyphosate as well as other herbicides along county roads.
Call Public Works, 541-474-5460 or access the required forms here:
1. Owner Maintained Roadside Vegetation Application
Visit the website here.
Jackson County Vector Control
JC Vector Control ‘fogs’ the insecticide deltamethrin spring through fall to control mosquitoes.
Deltamethrin is toxic to bees and aquatic organisms, and a human endocrine disruptor.
Complete a No Spray form annually here.
Talent Irrigation District (TID)
TID sprays herbicides along the Ditch.
Complete a No Spray form here.​​
Thank you!
Tell the world! Purchase our beautiful 16"x9.5" metal yard sign at The Pollination Place!