Spotlight On: Deb Vroman, Pollinteer
Interview by Arti Kirch, PPRV Vice President PPRV is blessed to have many wonderful volunteers. We'd like to introduce you to one of...

11-Month AmeriCorps Reflection 2022-23
by Ethan Robison Showing off ceanothus moth cocoons and chrysali Hey y’all, it has been a wild 11 months here at PPRV. From the very...

A Conversation with Dr. Jeffrey Miller, Ecologist, Professor Emeritus, Author, and Dedicated Mapper
By Erin Keller and Kristina Lefever, with assist from Dr. Miller On May 20, 2023, Dr. Jeffrey Miller visited Southern Oregon at the...

Why a Pollinator Garden?
by Kristina Lefever at the request of the Medford Garden Club Scenic vistas of orchards, farms, ranches, beautiful mountains and valleys...

Pollinator Project Rogue Valley Presents! Food Plants for Butterflies Part 1 with David Lee Myers
By Erin Keller There was a full house at the Talent Library on Sunday, March 5,2023, as natural history photographer David Lee Myers...

12 Days of Pollinators!
December 2022 May your holiday bee more wonderful with this series by Ethan Robison, Pollinator Educator and Outreach Specialist! If...

Shrubs in the Treetops: a Portrait of Mistletoe
By Jenn Roe, Natural History Docent at-large Summer is gone and our world shifts gears into fall, and then winter mode. The blooms of the...

With Gratitude and Goodwill
by Jen Radueg It's that time of year again, where nature turns inward and focuses on supporting its roots and its core to create the...

Look What Happens When You Grow Pearly Everlasting! Part 2
Photo by Ethan Robison by Kristina Lefever Just think - if we hadn't have been growing Pearly Everlasting in our propagation nursery,...

Meet Ethan Robison, AmeriCorps Member
Ethan Robison when he thought it was a good idea to shave his head. By Ethan Robison Hello! My name is Ethan Robison and I am PPRV’s...