About Us
We envision communities and landscapes working together, supporting diverse ecosystems rich with native plants and thriving native pollinators.
We inspire, engage, and educate about the ecological importance of native pollinator species and the diverse native plant communities essential for their survival - and ours. We are committed to the creation and restoration of pesticide-free pollinator corridors throughout the Rogue Valley.
Pollinator Project Rogue Valley is a volunteer-led Oregon-registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit
concerned about the health of our native pollinators and plant communities.
Working together, we can save our pollinators.
We at Pollinator Project Rogue Valley humbly acknowledge that we
work and live upon the ancestral territory of the Shasta and Takelma Tribes and many other native peoples. We are grateful to the elders and their people who cared for these lands in close connection to the earth and all beings here. We acknowledge that native people still live here, and deeply honor their sovereignty. We are thankful to be on these sacred lands with the plants and animals that inhabit them.
Learn more about the native peoples on whose land we all reside - visit Native Land Digital
Tribes of the Klamath-Siskiyou region include: the Cow Creek Umpqua, Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde, Takelma, Cayuse, Umatilla, Walla Walla, Klamath, Modoc, Shasta, Karuk, Yurok, Hoopa Valley Reservation, Konomihu, New River Shasta, and others.
Our Values
Education We are guided by our passion to teach and engage with the public of all ages. Our work is guided by science to conserve and protect pollinators as well as our local environment.
Gaia Principle We believe the Earth to be a living system in which both a profound unity and respect for all life is critical, especially as it relates to our local pollination ecology.
Collaboration We depend on collaborating with the community to carry out our mission and amplify our collective impact.
Commitment We are a team that is committed to our cause and inspired by a shared devotion to the place we call home.
Integrity We believe it is vital to be honest and transparent in our organization’s work and with each other.
Respect We honor and value each person, their experiences, and contributions. This respect extends to the importance of acknowledging the indigenous peoples of North America as well as their culture, stewardship and on-going legacy.
JEDI (Justice, Equity, Diversity, Inclusion) We respect and support the diverse ways that humanity expresses itself and invite all races, genders, orientations, and abilities to our table and into our gardens. We feel it is important to stay curious and keep learning and adapting with an open mind and heart.

We earned a Candid Gold Seal of Transparency! Find our nonprofit profile on the Candid website. Candid was formed in 2019 when GuideStar and Foundation Center merged. Candid supports nonprofits with information, resources, training, and data to find funding opportunities.
We are proud to be a member of the Nonprofit Association of Oregon. NAO is the statewide membership association for the nonprofit sector, working to strengthen the collective voice, leadership, and capacity of nonprofits to enrich the lives of all Oregonians.
We are thrilled to be a member of TrustLaw, Thomson Reuters Foundation’s global pro bono legal service, connecting high-impact NGOs and social enterprises with the best law firms and corporate legal teams to provide free legal assistance. With a community of more than 6,500 members in over 190 countries, TrustLaw is the world’s largest global pro bono network.

We are honored to be a member of the Southwest Oregon Pollinator Collaborative to help promote the cultural and ecological conditions that ensure pollinators and their host ecosystems thrive.

We are pleased to be a member of AIM, Authors Innovative Marketing, a community of published authors in Jackson and Josephine Counties who share information to market books. Check out our The Rogue Valley Pollinator Anthology!
Pollinator Project Rogue Valley holds a vision for a more harmonious world, one where people, plants, and pollinators contribute to one another’s well-being in perfect harmony. Where would we be without our bees and other pollinators?
The natural world as we know it relies on bees, butterflies, flower beetles, humming birds, and other specialized creatures for much of the life on this planet. These magnificent pollinators are responsible for the reproduction of most species of flowering plants and trees, as well as the agricultural crops we eat every day. These plants and the insects themselves, are an integral part of the food chain for birds, fish, and wildlife.
Life as we know it would cease to exist without their magnificent and helpful endeavors. Pollinators play a essential role in the natural kingdom, and in humanity’s entire way of life. We mustn’t take them for granted. Through conscious awareness, we can contribute to their habitats and ensure their survival. Pollinators and other insects are declining at a disastrous rate, and need our help to survive.
The pollinator crisis is a global issue…yet we can hold a vision of prospering our pollinators by being of service to them. What can we do at a local level? Take a stand against pesticide use in your neighborhood and your community. Plant a pollinator garden, no matter how small, lush with native plants, and other flowers favored by pollinators. Bring beauty into your own life through creating pollinator habitats. A farm, a garden, a flower bed, and even potted plants. You will be amazed and delighted as your pollinator guests begin to arrive. As you hear them flutter, buzz, and chirp, your spirits will lift with joy! Beauty makes the world go around.
We must do what we can do to preserve life on this planet. Pollinator Project Rogue Valley invites you to be a “pollinator person.” Contribute to the greater good of the world. Find gentle, joyful, transformative, and creative ways to help pollinators prosper in the Rogue Valley and beyond. Spread the word to others. We hold a vision of “people, plants, and pollinators” co-creating together.

We appreciate the support of our friends at Beyond Toxics.
Beyond Toxics is a statewide environmental justice organization advancing policies that ensure meaningful participation and cultivating grassroots leadership from Oregon’s frontline and impacted communities. Established in 2001, Beyond Toxics is a multicultural, inter-generational team dedicated to centering community leaders and building out the true diversity of Oregon's vibrant
Environmental Justice movement.
Learn more about at www.BeyondToxics.org.